Tuesday, December 29, 2009

the clock is ticking

i have always love you
even the wind blows away the love sometimes
but as time comes i am able to catch it back
and write it in my symphony
stick it in my heart
cause im afraid it might fell off again

sometimes i can be a total mess
i can be very mad at you
i can be very mean to you
but i have always wanted to grab my anger and throw it out the window
so that i won't add up more scratches to your heart
and you don't know how much i wanted to polish it back

i am fifteen and still growing
it's not an issue if i made mistakes
and you are always there to correct them
i get tired sometimes listening to your lessons
but you never get tired of fixing me
fixing my bads

i bet you could spend your whole life
your whole afternoon
your whole chores
thinking of the family
every mistakes we made
deep down inside, i know you blamed yourself for that
because you thought that you have failed
failed in becoming a mother

hell NO
dont even let that cross your mind ever again mom
because you've done great
every single thing you taught
every tears you shed
everything is  going to be alright

mom, now you can just sit back
take a few nip of your hot coffee
and take a good look at what we've become
because you have taught us a lot
and now it's time to mellow out
because if it is under your watch
we will be somebody

everybody is different
you should sometimes accept the fact
that we are not the same
that it is impossible to always ride on your shoes
maybe now it's time for us to walk using our shoes
and bare your lessons in everything we do

but don't you be afraid
cause your children
who lives under your house for a length of time
knows that
cause your love has shone our life
and that we will not forget

mom, i love you always and forever
you know it's true.

kiss hugs, ELVA

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