Saturday, August 29, 2009


it was weird. i've made this blog like FOREVER .
but i haven't posted anything about my day :)
well. today is kinda FUN . cause i went to the best noodle house ever that cost me little penny
for brunch.
and then i went out with my mom . sis . and bro to walk our dogs (Alaska and Lumiere :D )
then suddenly daddy called and ask me to go for eye check up.
to be honest, i haven't wash my hair and i was freaking paranoid.i hate it when my hair smells like sweat and OILY xb. i just don't feel like getting outta home.. but no matter what happens, i NEED to be there today !

after the check up, it's late 1.15 pm.
and my drum lesson starts in 1.30 pm.
so i'm kinda late for the class.
well. after that i went home. wash my hair
and off to cambridge with my girl TIFFANY
we had late lunch at prime steak
and coffee time in starbucks.
we called today as GOSSIP DAY.
bcos we started talking stuff and end up gossiping..
it was a bad habit but, it's hard to resist :)

and now. i ate the spiciest nasi padang ever!!!
and my throat's burning until now... :(

well.. that's my saturday today !
hope it's cool for you too.. :)